
Track all of the Tool, Supply and Seed inventory for your farm. This data is used in reports for reporting all current year expenses and in calculating Product Profitability Ratio. Tool Details allows for calculating a yearly amount based on the a Capital Cost Allowance percentage. Adding supplies to a specific Task will reduce the inventory quantity for that specific purchase and total quantity for that supply category. Track seed orders recieved from each seed company.


Add and Edit Tools

1. Click on View Options to change the Tool List window.

2. Click the + Tool Purchase button to add new tools.

3. Click the Inactive checkbox for tools you no longer use.

4. Click the Edit Tool button to open the Add/Edit Tool window.

5. Click on + Tool Category button and + Vendor buttons.

6. Click on CCA drop down list to select the appropriate percentage.

7. Click on the information icon to for an explanation for each Class.


Add and Edit Supplies

1. Click on View Options to change the Supply List window.

2. Click the + Supply Purchase button to add new supplies.

3. Click the Inactive checkbox for items you no longer use.

4. Click the Edit Supply button to open the Add/Edit Supply window for existing items.

5. Click on select Supply Category button and select Vendor button. Enter the other details.


Add and Edit Seed Purchases

As you recieve orders from seed companies or purchase them in person, add them on the Supplies > Seeds tab. The quantity is added to your existing inventory for the Crop | Variety selected.

1. Go to the Supplies > Seeds List tab.

2. Click on + Seed Purchase button.

3. This opens the Seed Purchase Details window.

4. Enter details and click Save.

Add / Edit Vendor List

Add all the Vendors from which you purchase supplies, seed and tools. They are used in the Select Vendor lists when adding purchases.

1. Click on Vendor tab.

2. Click on + Vendor button to add new vendors.

3. Click on Edit Vendor button to open Vendor Details window.

Add / Edit Supply Categories

The Supply Categories are used in grouping supplies and when calculating expenses by category. They are also used in sorting Tools, Supplies and Seeds List windows.

1. Click on Categories tab.

2. The Categories List view is divided into Supply Type lists.

3. Click on the Edit Category button for the Supply Type you want to open the Add / Edit Category Names window.

4. To add a Category click on the + Category button. This adds a new line for entering the new name.