
Add Input Details

Add all relevant details for your farm purchases of tools, supplies and seeds. Assign a Capital Cost Allowance percentage for tools that depreciate over several years. This is used to calculate the current years portion of the total cost. As you enter quantites for all inputs the inventory for each is updated.

View Tools, Supplies and Seeds Purchased

Enter and track all farm input purchases with all relavant details. Run reports by date range to see all expenses by category.

Enter all farm expenses

1. Gather your current bills.

2. Click on + Supplies button.

3. Fill in the supply details.

Enter Seed Details as Each Order Arrives

1. Once you have recieved a new seed order, use the Crops page to verify that all varieties have been created.

2. Go to the Supplies > Seeds page and click + Seeds.

3. Select Crop | Variety, Vendor, Category and enter remaining details.

Current Year Costs Report

See all of your current growing season costs by item, Supply Category, Supply Type and Year Total.